BioThreat Detection Kits
J3Seven is a provider for CBRN equipment and integrated systems maintenance solutions.

BioThreat Detection Kits
RAID 5 BioThreat Detection Kit is intended to screen environmental samples for the 5 biological threats (antigens). A positive test result indicates the presence of the antigen at or above the detectable concentration (threshold). The RAID 5 BioThreat Detection Kit is a multi-channel lateral-flow immunochromatographic device that uses two antibodies in combination to specifically detect each antigen in solution.
The RAID 5 BioThreat Detection Kit has been tested against other bacterial strains, toxic substances and potential environmental interferants.
RAID 5 strips display high sensitivity levels. Note that due to the variable nature of antigen preparations, actual test sensitivity can vary for a given sample. Representative sensitivities are listed:
- B. anthracis (Anthrax).
- Botulinum toxin.
- Y pestis (Plague).
- Ricin toxin.
- SEB (Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B).
RAID 5 Trainer
Replicates the performance of the RAID 5 Kit using simulants. Ideal for classroom training, positive results can be demonstrated to each student using safe powders.
The RAID 8 Bio-threat Detection Kit is intended to screen environmental samples for 8 biological threats. Using a simple all-in-one swab, visual results appear within 15 minutes.
RAID bio-threat detection kits allow you to quickly and accurately screen an environment for biological threats and identify dangerous substances.
Multi-channel, lateral flow, immunochromatographic.
Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis), Botulinium (Clostridium botulinum), Brucella (Brucella sp.), Orthopox (Orthopoxvirus sp.), Ricin (Ricinus communis), SEB (Staphylococcal enterotoxin B), Tularemia (Francisella tularensis), Plague (Yersinia pestis).
RAID 8 Trainer
Replicates the performance of the RAID 8 Kit using simulants. Ideal for classroom training, positive results can be demonstrated to each student using safe powders.
RAID 10 BioThreat Detection Kit consists of two 5-test cassettes and is intended to screen environmental samples for the 10 biological threats (antigens).
The RAID 10 bioThreat Detection Kit consists of 2 multi-channel lateral-flow immunochromatographic devices that use two antibodies in combination to specifically detect each antigen.
RAID 10 BioThreat Detection Kit display high sensitivity levels. Representative sensitivities are listed below:
- B. anthracis (Anthrax).
- B mallei (Glanders).
- Botulinum toxin.
- Brucella spp.
- C. burnetii (Q Fever).
- F. tularensis (Tularemia).
- Orthopox virus.
- Ricin toxin.
- SEB (Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B).
- Y. pestis (Plague).
RAID 10 Trainer
Replicates the performance of the RAID 10 Kit using simulants. Ideal for classroom training, positive results can be demonstrated to each student using safe powders.
RAID DX kit includes the RAID 8 and RAID TOX tests along with all the materials needed to take your initial sample and make a 1:50 dilution. RAID 8 gives results for 8 biological threats in 15 minutes. RAID TOX tests a 1:50 dilution to minimise antigen excess ("Hook Effect").
The RAID DX represents a complete solution for the initial field screening of potential biological threats. This is the first product that gives responders the ability to evaluated an unknown substance for 8 different biological agents in 15 minutes.
RAID 8 and RAID TOX test to identify anthrax, ricin, botulinum toxin, SEB, plague, tularemia, brucella and orthopox on one test cartridge and also to test a 1:50 dilution on the toxins.