Continuous Biological Collector
The MUVE B330 is a Continuous Biological Collector purpose-designed for unmanned aerial systems (UAS) to provide realtime continuous monitoring of biological threats while on the move.
J3Seven is a provider for CBRN equipment and integrated systems maintenance solutions.
- Veteran Owned & Operated
- 100% Australian
- Premium technical support

Continuous Biological Collector
The B330 leverages the legacy design and performance of the IBAC product line in a SWaP-optimised configuration.
The SkyRanger ® R70 and R80 SkyRaider ™ serves as the platforms for the initial deployment of the MUVE B330 payload.
The payload is designed to be intuitive, easy to use, and requires minimal maintenance. Sensor display is provided via the Mission Control Station (MCS) piloting interface. Alarming conditions and collector status will be displayed to the Pilot to not only alert to any threat, but also provide positive confirmation that a sample is being collected. The MUVE B330 provides next level protection to combat forces by identifying biological threats remotely and down range.
When dangerous conditions exist, or are anticipated, utilise the MUVE B330 to fly in for an initial assessment.
Rapidly deploys in a matter of minutes.
Gathers a comprehensive overview of an active scene utilising visuals and B330 indications.