Container Scanning Passive Detection System
Multi-Mode Passive Detection System unlike harmful x-ray and gamma-ray scanners, “The Discovery” multi-mode passive detection system (MMPDS) is a safe solution that produces no active ionising radiation of any kind. The scanners can penetrate substances that x-rays cannot and can detect anomalies using highly detailed three-dimensional cargo imaging.
J3Seven is a provider for Border Security equipment and integrated systems maintenance solutions.
- Veteran Owned & Operated
- 100% Australian
- Premium technical support

Container Scanning Passive Detection System
- Naturally occurring particles - no radiation
- No safety exclusion zone required
- Provides a 3D image similar to an MRI
- Excellent contraband and integrated radiation detection
- Exceptional system reliability with low cost maintenance
- High throughput with a low operating cost
- Over 1000mm of steel penetration
Discovery tracks cosmic ray particles through even heavily shielded materials and computes a 3D image of cargo contents.
It is designed to be part of a Primary Screening Solution which allows operators to analyse cargo all while continuing their standard operations. The capability for Discovery to penetrate materials and provide actionable information is completely unmatched by competing technology.