The AirJam-16 is designed for the purpose of obtaining excellent quality breathing air by drawing it from the surrounding environment.
J3Seven is a provider for Breathing Systems and integrated systems maintenance solutions.
- Veteran Owned & Operated
- 100% Australian
- Premium technical support

The compressor is capable of charging bottles up to 6000psi. The purification system filters draw H2O, CO, hydrocarbons, oil, and particles from the ambient air. The engine, a YANMAR Diesel engine, is equipped with a solenoid valve on the tank and an electric start.
The AirJam-16 provides enhanced mission support capabilities to include:
- Longer duration operations.
- Limited access areas.
- Austere environments.
- SCBA/Air cylinder refilling.
- 3 stage compressor.
- 9.0 HP motor.
- Working pressure (6000psi).
- Delivery rate (315 I/min).
- Refill time (6'20" - 10L)
- Weight (135kg)
- Dimensions (1130mm x 541mm x 640mm).