Spectroscopic Personal Radiation Detector

identiFINDER R300 is the world’s highest performing, pager-sized spectroscopic personal radiation detector (SPRD). It provides continuous detection and full threat identification (ANSI N42.48 library), and it is ideal for belt-worn passive-scanning, security checkpoints, border patrol, and first response.

J3Seven is a provider for CBRN equipment and integrated systems maintenance solutions.

  • Veteran Owned & Operated
  • 100% Australian
  • Premium technical support

Spectroscopic Personal Radiation Detector

The simple two-button user interface facilitates expedited threat response. Visible, audible, and tactile alarms rapidly alert the operator via the easy-to-read colour display. On-board Bluetooth, web server, and GPS technologies make interagency communication easier than ever.

Belt-worn, identification-capable

Lightweight spectrometer delivers gamma and neutron detection; highest detector resolution in a pager-sized device with virtually no false alarms.

One touch Reachback™

Immediately send full spectroscopic data, device information, time, and GPS location to key stakeholders with a single push of a button.

Rugged design

Drop test to 1.5m; uniquely constructed Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) semi-conductor material does not require calibration or stabilisation.